Bloomberg News

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Gross's Terminal Keyboard To Be Displayed At Smithsonian


The keyboard will be on display as part of the Smithsonian’s exhibition on innovation.

Everyone Is Fleeing Oil's Biggest Fund


The biggest U.S. exchange-traded fund that tracks oil is heading for the largest two-month outflow in six years, raising concern that crude’s 30 percent rally may stall.

Ex-Lehman CEO Fuld Says 27,000 Employees Were Risk Managers


Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. had 27,000 risk managers -- the firm’s stockholding employees -- before it collapsed in 2008, former Chief Executive Officer Richard Fuld said.

World's Workers Put Off Retirement Planning


Retirement savings shortfalls challenge workers, employers, and governments from Canada to China, according to a new survey.

World's Elderly Staging Heists And Robbing Banks


Loneliness and poverty are two factors blamed for increased criminal activity among senior citizens in Europe and other parts of the world—although not in the U.S.

Financial Vulnerability Haunts U.S. Families After Crisis


Five years after the recession ended, many Americans still teeter on the financial brink, barely prepared to handle an emergency expense and aging toward retirements they haven’t saved for.

That Post-College Bartender Job Could Stunt Your Career For A Decade


An analysis by the Economic Policy Institute finds the Class of 2015 will likely see lower wages than cohorts that graduated into better job markets for as long as 15 years.

Self-Taught Investor Is Beating All Peers With Lesson From Lynch


The $1.7 billion fund that Finny Kuruvilla runs was the top-performing diversified U.S. stock fund over the past five years.

The Wrath Of Hank: Ex-AIG CEO Greenberg Won’t Give Up At Age 90


A decade after losing control of the company, he’s waging one of Wall Street’s longest and most expensive wars for redemption.

Solar As Fastest Growing U.S. Power Source Rivals Shale Boom


Move over shale. The sun is now the fastest growing source of U.S. electricity.

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