Simone Foxman

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Einhorn Shorts Sovereigns, Affirms Gold On Trump Uncertainty

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The hedge fund manager is betting that gold will rebound as investors guard against inflation risk.

Hedge Fund Investor Letters Show Managers Are Stumped By Trump


Money managers tackling the potential impact of the new president are sometimes bullish -- and almost always hedged.

Scaramucci Scores Millions From Buyer With Mystery Investors

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Anthony Scaramucci completed the deal a few days after he landed a top job in the Trump administration.

Soros Says Markets To Slump With Trump, EU Faces Disintegration

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"Uncertainty is at a peak, and actually uncertainty is the enemy of long-term investment," said billionaire George Soros.

Mr. Hedge Fund Goes To Washington, Looking For Ally In Trump


In Trump, hedge-fund types are finally getting their day in Washington.

Cooperman Says Son 'Didn't Throw Me Under The Bus'


The legendary hedge fund manager defended his son's role in his insider-trading case.

Tiger Cub Citrone Sees Market In Biggest Correction Since 2008


Hedge Fund manager Robert Citrone says we're in a market correction that will last three to four months.

Dalio Says He Disagrees With Dimon That It's Time To Raise Rates


Ray Dalio says there are too many downside economic risks to consider raising rates.

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