Chris Dolmetsch

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Trump Foundation Sued By New York For Violating Charity Law


Prosecutors allege the foundation operates without any oversight by a functioning board of directors.

Fyre Festival Promoter Accused Of New Scam After Guilty Plea


Prosecutors have brought new criminal charges against Billy McFarland, accusing him of scamming ticket buyers.

U.S. Charges Brent Borland With $21 Million Investment Fraud


He allegedly cheated investors who contributed more than $21 million for the construction of a Belize airport.

Wall Street Collector Launches Legal Fight Over Koons Works

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Artist Jeff Koons and a New York Gallery are being sued for "inappropriate and highly questionable practices."

Concert Promoter Gets More Than Six Years For 'Hamilton' Scam


The Ponzi scheme used fake promises to buy and resell tickets to shows such as the blockbuster "Hamilton."

Fired JPMorgan Broker Says He Was Cooperating With FBI, Seeks $15 Million


The Florida broker said he was fired for cooperating with an investigation involving a fund manager.

Accused Thief In Court Over Goldman Exec's $1.2 Million Of Missing Wine


The former personal assistant to Goldman's co-president secretly sold the fine wines to an outside dealer.

Metropolitan Museum Of Art Gets To Keep Iconic Picasso Work

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The museum's ownership was challenged by someone who was forced to sell the painting while fleeing the Nazis.

Morgan Stanley Sued For Race Bias Decade After Class-Action Pact


The former Morgan Stanley wealth manager claims he was a victim of a "campaign of harassment" by the firm.

Goldman's Solomon Said To Be Victim Of $1 Million Wine Theft


A personal assistant has been charged with stealing more than $1.2 million of rare wine from his boss.

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