Tyler Cowen

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How A Labor Shortage Could Explain Negative Interest Rates


It’s as plausible as many other theories as an explanation for negative yields.

RIP, Rational Debate About The Federal Budget


Discussions about the budget deficit have devolved into partisan incoherence.

The New Right Is Beating The New Left. Everywhere


From Australia to Europe, the signs are multiplying that conservative populism is on the rise.

The College Admissions Scandal Is About More Than Just Bribery


Most U.S. institutions of higher education don’t even try to live up to their egalitarian ideals.

Seven Lessons About The Risk Of Blackmail


Americans should be wary about the rising risk of blackmail in the information age.

One Shutdown Lesson Is That Americans Need To Save More


A volatile economy, like a volatile president, makes it all the more important to keep some extra money in the bank.

How Will Shutdown End? Time for Some Game Theory


TSA workers may hold the key to forcing an end to the government shutdown, writes Tyler Cowen.

Unforeseen Effects Of A 70 Percent Marginal Tax Rate: A Debate

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Bloomberg columnists disagree on how the proposed tax hike would impact the economy.

How Real News Can Be Worse Than Fake News


It’s hard to stay idealistic these days, as information indeed is the enemy of idealism.

Trump's NAFTA Deal Is Hardly Worth The Price


The result of trade negotiations might be better for the U.S. but it still might not be worth the price.

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