Steven T. Dennis

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Tax Bill Odds Improve As Key Senator Backs Health Mandate Repeal


Murkowski’s agreement to smash Obamacare’s individual mandate may remove an obstacle to passing the tax bill.

Senate GOP Kills Health-Care Bill, Ending Obamacare Repeal Quest

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Opposition in their own ranks ended months of fruitless efforts to deliver on a seven-year promise.

GOP Tries To Regroup On Obamacare Repeal As Trump Lashes Out

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the chamber will vote on a straight repeal-- a proposal with even steeper hurdles than his replacement bill.

GOP Said To Drop Tax Cuts For Big Earners In Revised Health Bill

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GOP leaders are considering retaining Obamacare’s 3.8 percent tax on net investment income for high-income taxpayers.

Trump's Path To A Balanced Budget Paved With Accounting Gimmicks

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GOP budget experts cite fake cuts and overly rosy growth estimates as part of the problem.

Republicans Unveil Health Care Bill To Bridge Gaps In Party

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The proposal includes a refundable, age-based tax credit to help people buy insurance.

Trump's Dodd-Frank Do-Over Diverted To Slow Lane With Obamacare

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The Dodd-Frank directive he signed Friday is hitting the same road blocks as Obamacare.

Trump's Vow To Kill Obamacare On 'Day 1' Is Probably Impossible


Repeal will require weeks of wrangling, if not longer.

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