James Gaddy

Why NFL Hall Of Famer Emmitt Smith Avoids Sleeping On A Plane


The former Dallas Cowboys running back has a number of tips for making travel easier.

Mario Batali's Favorite Golf Course Is Just 'A Shack And A Track'


The globe-trotting celebrity chef finds appeal in going to exotic locations to try out the golf.

How Training Can Give You The Nose Of A Wine Connoisseur


Let's face it: A heightened sense of smell isn't the stuff of comic book heroes. But it certainly has its uses.

Want To See The Masters In Style? Here's the $100,000 Method


Like all well-publicized events involving star athletes and big brands, there’s a lesser-known side to the Masters.

Emirates Has Invested $500 Million to Build A 'Fort Knox' Of Wine


At any point the airline is flying about 70 different types of wine across its network.