Austin Weinstein

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Citi Adopts $15 Minimum Wage After Prod From Maxine Waters

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The move comes after Citi was roasted by Congress for paying its CEO 486 times more than its median worker pay.

Fannie-Freddie Revamp Risks Destabilizing Economy, Democrat Says


A Treasury Department plan would address ways to rebuild capital at Fannie and Freddie.

Warren Wants To Stop Banks From Dominating Trillions In Payments


She and other legislators plan to introduce a bill that would require the Fed to build a competing system.

Facebook's Cryptocurrency Plan Drawing Criticism From Washington


Groups influential with Democrats are lobbying against Facebook's proposed "Libra" cryptocurrency.

A $4 Trillion Risk From Fannie-Freddie Release Worries Investors


Credit rating companies, financial firms and even real estate agents claim that such a move would be a disaster.

Fannie-Freddie Revamp Risk For Trump: Higher Mortgage Costs


Figuring out a fix for Fannie and Freddie is the main unresolved issue from the 2008 meltdown.

Maxine Waters Has A Plan To Get What She Wants From Wall Street


Waters is planning to put more financial industry CEOs in the hot seat.

Wall Street Plan For Angry Lawmakers: Let Jamie Dimon Take Over

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Are calls for CEOs to testify before Congress grandstanding by representatives eager to "beat up" on banks?

Goldman Sachs Sees Risk Of Greenback Nearing A `Messy Top'


The dollar could weaken sooner than expected by most investors, according to Goldman Sachs.

Markets Not Pricing In Midterms' 'Tail Risk' That Could Roil U.S. Yield Curve


A decisive win by one party has a higher probability than forecast and poses a sizeable risk, says this strategist.

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