Erik Wasson

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What To Watch For In Congressional Debate On Biden Economic Plan


Passing the spending and tax increases envisioned by President Biden will depend on where lawmakers can find compromise.

Biden $2.25 Trillion Plan Squeezed By All Sides In Congress

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The proposal is dividing Democrats, while Republicans are uniting to oppose the potential tax hikes.

Biden To Reveal Major Spending Plan With Political Battle Ahead

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Justice Democrats want $2 trillion in climate change initiatives alone.

House Sends Aid Bill To Biden, Checks To U.S. Pocketbooks

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President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief bill cleared its final congressional hurdle Wednesday.

Biden Backs Tighter Limits On Checks To Speed Relief Bill

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The earnings cap for receiving a payment would drop from $100,000 to $80,000 for individual taxpayers.

Elizabeth Warren, Other Progressives Propose 'Ultra-Millionaire' Tax


The group claims the proposal would generate “at least $3 trillion in revenue over 10 years.”

House Set To Pass Stimulus As Minimum-Wage Hike Dealt Blow


Democrats don’t yet have a unified approach for dealing with the minimum wage decision.

Biden's Economic Legacy At Stake As Next Package Takes Shape

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The centerpiece of the plan will be possibly the biggest infrastructure-spending commitment since the New Deal.

Senate Adopts Blueprint For Stimulus As Harris Breaks Tie

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The White House, Democratic moderates and others still say they want a bipartisan final product.

Senate Democrats Move To Put Biden Stimulus Plan On Fast Track


The Senate will take up final passage of the resolution on Thursday.

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