David Welch

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Trump Slams GM As U.S. Workforce Shrinks To Detroit’s Smallest Automaker


By calling attention to GM’s decline, Trump has added to the pressure the company will be under at the bargaining table later this year.

Tearing Apart Tesla Model 3s To See Musk's Best, Worst Decisions


The car's body is the single biggest problem, this engineer says. “It’s killing them.”

Who's Winning The Self-Driving Car Race?

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This company is a year ahead of competitors in the race to introduce driverless cars to the public.

GM Rolls Out $10,000 Discount On Escalade To Fend Off Navigator

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Lincoln’s new behemoth landed in showrooms late last year.

The Car Of The Future Will Sell Your Data

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Automakers have been installing wireless connections in vehicles and collecting data for decades.

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