John Tozzi

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Ruling Striking Down Obamacare Won’t Affect Health Coverage, Yet


A federal judge called Obamacare unconstitutional, but his ruling must survive higher court review.

Surprise Medical Bills Loom For Millions Of Americans In 2019


A contract fight means thousands of doctors may no longer be in-network.

Private Medicare Plans Faulted By Watchdog Over Denials Of Care


Privately run Medicare health plans used by millions may be improperly denying patients care.

Priced Out Of Health Insurance, Americans Rig Their Own Safety Nets


Consumers frustrated by high costs are bypassing the bureaucracy with patchwork plans.

How Sky-High Deductibles Broke The U.S. Health Insurance System

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Plans that put workers on the hook for many thousands of dollars are widespread and growing, but a few employers are having second thoughts.

What It's Like Living Without Health Insurance In America

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Forced to choose between paying bills and having health coverage, many Americans are risking it and going without.

Desperate Or Reckless? Americans Are Dumping Health Insurance


Across America thousands of people are making the hard decision to go without health insurance.

Trump Administration Stops State's Bid To Skirt Obamacare Rules


Idaho regulators said they would let insurers in the state sell health plans that don’t cover pre-existing conditions.

A Long Era Of Low Health Care Inflation May Be Ending


A more typical pattern where health-care price increases outpace broader inflation could be coming.

Trump Clears Path For States To Require Employment For Medicaid

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"Medically frail" people and pregnant women exempt from requirement.

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