Amanda Albright

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Junk-Muni Boom Sets Up Historic Distress For Billions Of Debt


This year, more than 50 municipal-bond issues worth $5 billion have defaulted.

Toll Roads With Fewer Cars An Unlikely Haven For Bond Buyers


Cash-flush toll road systems can provide a tax-advantaged source of investment income.

States, Cities Shelve Public Works As Recession Hammers Revenue

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About two-thirds of cities reported delaying or canceling infrastructure and capital spending since the pandemic started.

UBS Sees Muni-Bond Market Facing Biggest Storm In Modern History

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UBS specifically warns about bonds from higher education and health care issuers.

Cities, States That Tap Fed's $500 Billion Fund Face Big Penalty

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The penalties may not be attractive to cities and states given that the market’s interest rates are back near their lows.

States, Cities Cut Payrolls By Nearly 1 Million Over Shutdown


The pandemic-related shutdowns are leaving local governments nationwide facing ballooning deficits.

States And Cities Crippled By Pandemic Push For Next Bailout


States and municipalities face an unprecedented fiscal crisis, and they're asking the feds for help.

Harvard University Taps Credit Market For Up To $1.1 Billion

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The wealthiest colleges may face endowment losses and expected declines in fund-raising.

Nuveen’s Miller Dominated Junk Muni Funds, Then They Crashed

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When the coronavirus hit, it shut down many of the projects the star fund manager had financed.

Billion-Dollar Blows To U.S. States Crater Spending Plans

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Moody’s Analytics is advising policy makers to expect no less than a 10% hit to their general fund budgets.

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