Vildana Hajric

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Slumping Semiconductors Trigger Flight From VanEck's Chips ETF

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October has been the worst month for semiconductor stocks in more than six years.

Gary Cohn Has Joined A Blockchain Start-Up As An Advisor


Joining Spring Labs is his most high-profile move since leaving the Trump administration.

World's Largest Pot ETF Doubles Up On Tilray, Expands Portfolio

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The Horizons Marijuana Life Sciences Index ETF came under fire for not holding one of Wall Street’s hottest pot stocks.

ETF Investors Buy Treasuries, Dump Junk As Trade War Risk Rises

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The yen for long-term Treasuries is counterintuitive in rising rate environment.

Marijuana Stock Trading Is Dominated By Dudes And Millennials

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Men accounted for 75 percent of all cannabis-related securities trades over the past month.

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