Ben Mattlin

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401(k) Annuities Still A Hard Sell Despite SECURE Act, Advisors Say


Advisors report sluggish demand for the guaranteed-income products in retirement plans.

Helping Clients Choose The Right Time To Retire


When it comes to retirement, it's all in the timing, advisors say.

A Family Trust Accuses Its Unregistered Pa. Advisor Of Stealing More Than $5M


A late professor's family says Thomas Pipich used money for himself and to prop up other investments

How To Keep Up With The Flood Of New Investment Products


Advisors can benefit from keeping themselves up-to-date on the latest products.

Retirees Claim Deceased Unregistered Advisor Stole $18.5M Of Their Savings


The former Pennsylvania energy company workers allege in a lawsuit that Joseph Pezzano stole their life savings.

After A Settlement, Steady Sales For LTC


Reports of the demise of the long-term-care insurance industry have been greatly exaggerated.

Creating Realistic Retirement Budgets


Getting a true picture of a retiree's finances takes a bit of detective work, advisors say.

Preventing The Second Home Dream From Becoming A Nightmare


New costs and aggravations have put people off buying a second property.

Advisors Say Move Quickly To Lock In Yields Before Rate Cuts


The Fed's reluctance to ease rates this year is a boon to fixed-income investors, they say.

SEC Fines Calif. Advisor Almost $1.1M For Not Disclosing Annuities' Commissions


The agency said Raymond L. Lent and his firm didn't disclose upfront sales commissions on annuities of 6.8% on average.

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