William Horobin

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Richmond Fed Prez Says Economy Is Withstanding Fed's Inflation Battle

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“All this tightening will eventually slow the economy," he said.

Inflation In Advanced Economies Is Now At Lowest In Two Years


The headline measure for the 38-member club dropped to 5.6% from 6.2% in September.

Billionaires Are Next Up In Crosshairs Of Global Tax Architects


A 2% wealth levy on the world's billionaires could raise $250 billion a year, a new study says.

Global Corporate Tax Rates Stabilize After Decades Of Decline


The Paris-based organization has led years of talks on setting a global minimum tax.

Fed Can Sit And Watch After Rate Peak In March, Evans Says

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Chicago Fed President Charles Evans said the Fed still might be able to avoid a recession.

Stiglitz Says U.S. Rate Hikes Killing Economy Won't Fix Inflation


Economist Joe Stiglitz said boosting supplies of food and other products is a better approach.

The Five-Day Office Week Isn't Coming Back. WFH Is Here To Stay


The proportion of staff teleworking at least one day a week is expected to be much higher than before the pandemic.

It Would Cost $50 Billion To Vaccinate The World, OECD Says


Perhaps trillions of dollars of stimulus spending could have been averted at a fraction of the cost.

Millions Of Entrepreneurs Are Missing, And Covid Made It Worse


The pandemic has created a shortage of young business owners, a new study says.

World Faces Fiscal Problems Much Worse Than Those From Covid, OECD Warns


Demographic aging and inflation threaten to accelerate and exacerbate governments' fiscal crises.

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