Ella Ceron

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Want To Have A Baby In The U.S.? Get Ready To Pay A Big Bill


Not even a good insurance plan will pick up the full tab.

For Majority Of LGBTQ Workers, An Inclusive Environment Is Make Or Break


A survey found workers want jobs where they don't have to hide their sexual identity.

There's A Better Solution For Student Loans Than Forgiving Debt, Experts Say

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Doing away with interest payments would wipe away $37.8 billion in student debt.

Don't Bother Paying Off Student Loan Debt Right Now, Advisors Say

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With Democrats fighting to eliminate the debt, there's little incentive for borrowers to pay it off.

Your Female Coworker Probably Wants To Quit


Women also left the workforce in disproportionate numbers to men during the pandemic.

Black Wealth Could Get 40% Boost If Biden Heeds Calls To Cancel Student Debt


The end of a moratorium on student loan repayments has led to new calls for debt forgiveness.

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