Edward Hayes

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BlackRock Launches Active ETFs, Including Buffer Fund


The firm said its buffer ETFs will appeal to conservative retirees.

Cash Allocations Fall As Advisor Confidence Grows, Advyzon Finds


A new study shows that cash allocations are declining while ETF popularity has increased.

Gen X Getting Nervous As Retirement Approaches, Allianz Survey Says


The company found that the Gen X adult age group felt the least secure about retirement.

As Political Debates Heat Up, Advisors Try To Focus On Portfolios


Advisors say letting politics determine a client's financial and investment decisions is a mistake.

Younger Adults More Open To AI In Their Financial Lives, Survey Says


A Northwestern Mutual survey found that views on artificial intelligence often vary by age group.

Plan Participants Feel Scared, Short On Savings, Schroders Survey Finds


They want to top $1 million in savings, but only 29% believe they will reach that goal before retirement.

Advisors See Financial Literacy As Key Step For Women Clients


Some advisor firms are taking the initiative in getting women comfortable with the financial services industry.

New PGIM ETFs Invest In Laddered Buffer Funds To Protect Against Downside


Its new funds allocate to buffer funds with different maturity dates.

A Boom In Business Turnovers Is Coming. Owners Aren't Ready


Business owners unsure of the next steps in succession planning might turn to advisors.

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