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NYC Child Care Hits $45,000 A Year With U.S. Prices Surpassing Pre-Pandemic Levels


Since 1990, child-care prices have risen faster than prices for essentials like housing, transportation and groceries.

Morgan Housel Explains Why Psychology< Knowing Yourself, Trumps Finance


Housel offered up four tips for everyday investors at eMoney's Advisor Summit on Tuesday.

Do U.S. Workers Have Too Rosy A Picture Of Retirement?


Two new surveys suggest pre-retirees may ultimately be disappointed by their retirement expectations.

Investors Are Traumatized By Inflation, Natixis Says


Inflation has become the number one financial fear for investors, surpassing tax hikes and surprise expenses.

Every Generation Makes Money Mistakes. Here's What They Are

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Many of us are making moves in the wrong decade of life.

Many Americans Say They Need Twice Their Income, Survey Says


But to feel better about their financial decisions, what they really need is help defining priorities, Thrivent found.

Keeping Clients On Track By Understanding Their Biases


Advisors need to address behavioral biases early in the planning process, consultants say.

Keeping Your Clients From Fumbling A Financial Windfall


As football season officially begins this month, financial windfalls and how they impact our psyche are top of mind.

5 Ways Wealth Management Firms Can Power Their Growth


The financial services industry is facing a period of change like no other. Here's how to adapt.

Investors Love Advisors, But Demand More Customization, Services, Goldman Says


Perhaps the best news for incumbents is that 93% of investors are satisfied with their current financial advisor relationships.

U.S. Retirement Savers Risk Being Sucked Into Financial Vortex, Goldman Says


Goldman found that student debt and caregiving requirements hinder people's retirement goals.

Preparing Clients For The Risk Of Cognitive Decline


Advisors are often in the position of having to bring up this sensitive topic with clients.

Counseling Firm Offers Financial Mental Health Services For Athletes

by FA Staff

The Baltimore Ravens NFL football team is among the first clients for Edyoucore's offering.

Here Are the Latest Inflation Buzzwords You Need To Know


Higher prices for goods and services have proved more resilient than central banks had predicted.

Inflation Is Dashing Retirement Plans As Investors Wake To Reality Of Price Surges


Almost half of affluent investors in the U.S. say inflation is “killing their dreams of retirement” in a recent survey.

Jamie Hopkins Exits Carson Group, Citing Personal Issues


The high-profile, wealth management exec wants to focus on family and community but remain part of the Carson family.

The Female Breadwinner: Changing The Financial Conversation


Women's wealth is on the rise, and our industry has the great opportunity to help champion their financial futures.

Engaging In The Legacy Dialogue


Estate planning is about more than tax planning.

Help Clients And Grow Your Practice With Behavioral Coaching


Research has shown that behavioral coaching is one of the most important services an advisor can provide.

Many DIY Investors Lean More On Advisors As Retirement Nears, Cerulli Says


"Advice seekers" start to become "advisor reliant" five years before they retire, according to the research firm.

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