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How An Advisor’s Podcast Reaches People In 38 Countries


Miguel Gomez’s podcast has attained a wide following that includes some unlikely places.

Pandemic Has Led To Better Financial Habits, KeyBank Finds


Many Americans gained financial confidence last year, according to a new survey.

Advisors Shouldn't Sugarcoat Things When Markets Plummet


Advisor coach Phil Toews says advisors should change their message to clients when markets tumble.

AQR Cuts 60/40 Outlook Again With ‘Depressed’ Returns Everywhere


The asset manager sees a long-term 60/40 U.S. portfolio of stocks and bonds delivering just 1.4% after inflation.

Putting January’s RIA Deal Frenzy In Perspective


Most in the industry are in need of a well-resourced partner that can provide a better client experience.

Rich Bernstein Thinks U.S. Investors Could Get Blindsided This Decade


The clairvoyant strategist sees a very different decade playing out in the 2020s.

Gundlach Warns Of 'Regime Changes' In Financial Markets


Investors need to hedge against both inflation and deflation, the DoubleLine Capital CEO said.

Retired Merrill Lynch Star Joins Snowden Lane


Cynthia Hewitt and her team managed $1.4 billion prior to retiring from Merill Lynch in 2018.

Ranks Of CFP Advisors Increase 2.7% In 2020


The number of CFP professionals is at an all-time high of 88,726, the CFP Board reported.

It Will Never Be The Same After 2020


But life could be a lot better in 2021.

Bill Bengen Revisits The 4% Rule Using Shiller's CAPE Ratio, Michael Kitces's Research


Inflation is a key factor regarding safer retirement withdrawal numbers.

Divorce Loan Demand Rises 62% Among Americans


Tennessee, Texas and Georgia lead in inquiries about divorce loans this year.

Advisors' Flat Fees Are Surging, Envestnet | MoneyGuide Finds


At the same time, more advisors are providing full financial plans, according to a survey.

401(k) Plans No Longer Make Much Sense For Savers


The inherent extra return participants enjoyed for many years has almost disappeared.

What Could Cause A Roaring Twenties Rebound?


Would inflation and commodities surge back even with normal growth?

More Clients Face Dual State Residency Tax Issues During Covid-19


Due to Covid-19, many individuals have decided to move out of more populated areas to take up residence in other states.

Land Grab For A New Retirement Market Starts In January


In 2021, the barriers will be smashed for those wanting to serve multiple small companies' retirement plans.

A More Profound Advisor-Client Value Proposition


How advisors are building better value propositions for clients.

The Tenets Of Transformation


It starts by bringing your best to every relationship.

Planning Beats Predicting


Withdrawal rate studies keep getting better, but we still don’t know everything about how clients will spend their time and money.

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