Charitable Tax Planning

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How Private Foundations Yield Tax Advantages


Saving money on various taxes can create more money for gifting, Foundation Source says.

Nonprofits Prepare For The Worst With Wealthy Losing Billions

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The needs of charities are set to soar while the financial situations of many wealthy families have deteriorated.

Putting Art Into Charitable Remainder Trusts


A charitable remainder trust can save clients' serious money in taxes, says an executive at Morgan Stanley.

Foundation Source Acquired By Incline Equity Partners

by FA Staff

The acquisition will enable Foundation Source to expand its services to private foundations.

Strong Equity Market Boosts Charities


A majority of donors give appreciated stocks and non-cash assets, Schwab Charitable reports.

Recoverable Grants Are One Way To Help Charities


Trends are pushing charitable donations in new directions, Fidelity Charitable says.

Advisor Helps $15 Million Client Reduce Taxes And Fears


Even clients with multiple advisors don’t realize all their options to slash tax bills.

Four Steps To Help Clients Choose A Charity


Many clients don’t know how to start narrowing the choices of causes to support.

After Tax Reform, Clients Can Still Reap Benefits From Charitable Giving


Charitable deductions are still possible despite changes created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Tax The Wealthy And Their Charities Will Suffer


Proposals to tax wealth could devastate the non-profit sector.

IRS Cracks Down On 'Billions' Of Tax Breaks From Land Donations


Taxpayers and advisors involved in land donation deals have been the focus of more IRS audits.

Wealthy Amass Record $121 Billion In Tax-Sheltered Accounts


Wary of rising taxes, the wealthy are stockpiling assets in donor-advised funds.

Fidelity Charitable Says Tax Reform Didn't Reduce Donations


Only 9% reduced giving because of increased standard deduction, Fidelty Charitable says.

Charitable Donations Directed From IRAs Provide A Tax-Advantaged Giving Strategy


Underutilized tax code provision can benefit those 70½ and up.

Year-End Tax Moves For Wealthy Clients


High-net-worth taxpayers are running out of time to make strategic moves in 2019.

Economy Biggest Driver Of Charitable Giving


The Tolleson Wealth Management director of philanthropy says economic confidence is boosting charities.

Economy, Not Tax Code, Drives Charitable Giving


The Tolleson Wealth Management director of philanthropy says economic confidence is boosting charities.

The Rich Are Tight-Lipped On Family Wealth Decisions


Two-thirds of wealthy people don’t talk with family members about how they're passing on assets, Bank of America found.

Tax Reform Doesn't Mean The Benefits Of Charitable Giving Have Ended


Advisors say there are still ways for charitable clients to reap the tax advantages of giving.

Sinking Charity Donations Should Level Off, Tax Attorney Says


By most measures, individuals' charitable donations were down in 2018, the first year of tax reform.

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