Market/Economic Commentary

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Operation Reflation

by Jeffrey Kleintop

The Fed's message last week implied it was preparing to take action to help ensure the economy avoids a double-dip recession. How might investors profit from such action?

Yale's Fair: Republicans To Win-Narrowly

Democrats may lose control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the November elections after contests that will be closer than polls suggest, according to Yale University economist Ray Fair.

Mr. Market?

by Jeffrey D. Saut

Investors have been checking out of the stock market, but looking at earnings yields can uncover opportunities.

The Unconventional Dividend-Based Investment Approach 2010

by Don Schreiber Jr.

Now is the time for advisors and investors to rethink conventional buy and hold-growth-stock focused approaches.

No Lazy Summer Days For The Market This Year

by R. Samuel Fraundorf

Deflation is possible, and increased taxes are on the way for the highest earners, says the president of Wilmington Trust Investment Management.

The American Consumer: Willing and Able to Spend?

by David Kelly

As the recovery moves into its second year, it is clear that households will need to contribute more to the recovery going forward.

Inflation In 2010 and Beyond? - Part II of II

by Michael Katz & Christopher Palazzolo

Practical Considerations For Institutional Asset Allocation

Don't Worry, Be Happy

by Jeffrey D. Saut

Investment Strategy

The Domino Effect

by Burt White

Will the falling economies of Greece, Spain, Hungary and others be strong enough to lead to the toppling of the global economic recovery and emerging expansion?

'Sophisticated' Investors And The Hedge Funds They Love

by David Weidner

Hedge fund performance is in the tank but money continues to flow in.

Reading The Overhaul's Tea Leaves

by David Reilly

Break out the stogies. Congressional leaders are moving debate over financial overhaul into the proverbial smoke-filled back room.

A Bit Long In The Tooth

by Christian W. Thwaites

This market was long in the tooth and was waiting for a catalyst. Why?

Take Back Money Management

by Ric Lager

Financial advisors should spend less time hand-holding and more time preserving clients' assets before the next big correction.

Investment Implications Of Health Care Reform

by David Kelly

What does passage of landmark health legislation mean for the economy and markets?

A Thin Line Between Moxie And Malfeasance

by Stephen Sutro

While the Galleon probe might seem fantastically remote, another insider trading case sends a very sobering message to those who routinely seek out market information to gain an extra edge.

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