FA News

Debt Weighing On College Graduates

    Heavy debt loads are weighing heavily on today's college graduates just as they start out on their careers, according to a new survey...

Fidelity Launches International Value Fund

   Saying that advisors are "clearly looking abroad" for new investment opportunities, Fidelity Investments announced the launch of a new international fund...

Regulators Target Senior Investment Scams

   The SEC and NASD are teaming up to crack down on fraudulent and unsuitable securities sales that target senior citizens...

Boomers In Need Of Insurance Advice

    Financial advisors are facing a market that has an increasing need for help on health care and other insurance needs, according to a new report...

IRS To Offer CFP CE Credits

   The Internal Revenue Service has reached an agreement with the CFP Board of Standards to provide continuing education credits at IRS Nationwide Tax Forums this summer...

Matalin, Carville To Speak At Discover2006

   Mary Matalin and James Carville-the married Republican and Democratic strategists-will be among the speakers at Fiserv's Discover2006 conference this year...

Morgan Stanley To Slash Broker Training

Morgan Stanley is planning to cut its broker training program, saying many of the trainees are "not tracking toward long-term success," according to published reports...

Wachovia To Buy Ameriprise Recordkeeping Unit

Ameriprise Financial Inc. of Minneapolis has agreed to sell its defined contribution recordkeeping business to Wachovia Corp., the companies announced today...

Rydex SphinX To Make Investors Whole

   Rydex Investments has sent a letter to advisors with clients who have invested in its SphinX fund telling them that Rydex has decided to fully repay funds frozen or lost as a...

Boom Time For Millionaires

   For financial advisors with an eye on the affluent market, the time seems to be ripe for finding new clients...

Fidelity Upgrades Channel Platform

   Fidelity Investments announced an upgrade in its Channel platform and continued growth in its RIA business...

Rydex Offers Alternative Investment Training

    Filling what it says is a void in the financial services industry, Rydex Investments has launched an alternative investment training program for advisors...

FPA To Help Wounded Soldiers

   Financial planners are volunteering their time to help military people with the financial wounds they've suffered in recent years...

Managers Bullish On Large-Cap Growth

    Whether it be a case of bullishness or bullheadedness, money managers say they remain optimistic about large-cap growth, according to a new survey...

Advisors Brush Up On Alternative Investments

    Thousands of advisors have taken steps to broaden their knowledge of alternative investments...

Financial Literacy Lacking Among HS Students

    High school students continue to lack a full understanding of key financial concepts, but their financial literacy is improving-albeit slowly...

Financial Planning Pioneer Lynn Hopewell Dies At 68

   Lynn Hopewell, a former CIA officer whose ideas pioneered the development of retirement planning software, died on March 28 at Inova Fairfax Hospital in Virginia...

UDA Launched by Financial Profiles

   Financial Profiles has announced the release of its much anticipated Universal Desktop Application (UDA), the new platform containing its planning and needs analysis tools...

SunGard Upgrades PlanningStation

   SunGard recently announced an upgrade to PlanningStation, their browser-based financial modeling and planning solution for financial advisors...

Report: Socially Responsible Investing On Rise

    Investors' desire to invest with their conscience, as well as their money, is on the rise, according to a new report...