FA News

U.S. Home Prices Declined In August For First Time In A Year


The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller index of property values fell 0.2% during the month.

Student Loan Payback Biggest For Private Health Care Workers, Fidelity Says


The data also shows that baby boomers and Gen X share a bigger burden of student loan debt than millennials.

You Can Get Clients To Save, But Begin With The Kids


The children of your clients are often the ones with the biggest retirement savings issues.

America’s Middle Class Is Addicted To A New Kind Of Credit

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Installment loans are geared to working-class Americans who have seen wages stagnate and unpaid bills pile up.

HSAs Underutilized As Retirement Tool, Survey Says


Few benefits professionals see HSAs as a retirement savings vehicle, the survey said.

Humans + Tech = Good Advisory Client Experience


Technology can help bolster the appeal of an advisor’s practice.

Treasury Prepares Another Debt Deluge As Fed Wades Into Market


For the next few months the Federal Reserve will be scooping bills out of the market.

UBS Star Ex-Broker Wins $1.5 Million Gender Discrimination Award


The ruling found that UBS hurt her career by treating her differently from male peers and retaliating after she complained.

QE Or Not, World's Most Elite Bond Club Is Getting Its Mojo Back


The ranks of primary dealers have started to rebound after falling by more than half since peaking in the late 1980s.

Stagnant Wages, Part-Time Workers Widen U.S.-Canada Income Gap


Canada is lagging the U.S. in income growth, possibly because of a lower percentage of full-time workers.

Goldman Says Rush From Stocks To Cash, Bonds Biggest Since 2008


Yet cash exposures are still at historic lows, the firm said.

Consumer Cracks Emerge As Banks Say Everything Looks Fine

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Serious delinquencies on credit cards and auto debt have been creeping up in recent quarters.

Wealthy Clients Could Get Snagged By Carryforward Irregularities


The IRS has found billions of dollars in discrepancies in carryforward deduction claims.

JPMorgan Weighs Shifting Thousands Of Jobs Out Of New York Area


JPMorgan has already made plans to move hundreds of New York-based credit-risk jobs to Texas.

Burned In 2008, Americans Are Refusing To Tap Their Home Equity

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Fallout from the housing bubble appears to have diminished consumers’ willingness to keep using their homes as an ATM.

$230M Patrick Funke Team Joins KMS Platform


Patrick Funke & Associates is an investment firm headquartered in Phoenix.

Sierra Club Says SEC Suppresses Climate-Related Shareholder Proposals


The nonprofit has sued the agency, arguing the SEC has blocked efforts to document the accusations.

Fisher Divestment Tops $3 Billion After Texas Pension Bolts


Ken Fisher is suffering an intensifying backlash from his remarks on Oct. 8.

NYC Commuters Fume As Mega-Mall's Planned Opening Disrupts Buses


The 2.9-million-square-foot mall and entertainment complex is about eight miles west of Manhattan.

U.S. Annual Budget Deficit Nears $1 Trillion With 26% Increase


Few economists expect the GOP’s tax cuts to deliver a sustainable economic boost that would narrow the gap.