FA News

N.Y. Supreme Court Upholds State Fiduciary Rule For Annuities


The decision is an opening salvo in a likely state-by-state industry battle over state standards.

Fixed Income Gains In Importance, Says John Hancock Strategist


John Hancock Investment Management says international alternative energy investments are attractive.

The Subscription Model Comes To Luxury Travel With Inspirato Pass


Subcription-model services have spread from Netflix and other media to luxury travel.

Citi Cuts S&P 500 Profit Forecast On Lingering Trade Effects


As the trade war continues to escalate, U.S. equities may not perform as well as once expected.

Jeffrey Epstein's Last Shot To Stay In Wall Street's Favor

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Even after facing accusations of sex with minors, Jeffrey Epstein cultivated relationships with Wall Street.

Stats Show Case For Buying The Dip After Shock S&P 500 Slump


Optimists see possibilities amid the recent trade-driven U.S. stock market dip.

More Employers Paying Attention To Student Loan Debt


Raytheon is the latest company to offer employees a repayment program tied to their 401(k) saving plan.

Tech Giants Risk Privacy Probes Over Alexa, Siri Reviewers

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Regulators, consumers are increasingly alarmed that Apple and Google monitor their conversations.

The Hydrocarbon Era's Spectacular End


With the rise of electric vehicles and renewable energy, the hydrocarbon era is drawing to a close.

UBS's Rich Clients To Feel Negative Rates Pain As Fees Extended


Continued negative interest rate policy in Europe is leading UBS to charge its clients for cash allocations.

Capital One Hack Poised To Boost 'White Hat' Crowdsourcing

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Virtuous "white hat" hackers may be in demand after a Capital One breach exposed millions of Americans' information.

Sometimes It Pays To Be The World's Least Popular Stock Market


The Stoxx 600 is outperforming similar U.S. indexes as the trade war with China escalates.

In Trump-Xi Fight, Both Leaders Make Big Bets That May Backfire

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Depending on the respective leaders' decisions, the trade war may be neither "good" nor "easy."

Individual Life Insurance Combination Products Dip 2% In 2018


LIMRA says universal life combination products continue to dominate with two-thirds of the premium market share in 2018.

An Older Advisor Does Something Unusual: He Creates A Succession Plan


Bucking an industry trend, advisor Gary Schwartz has made plans to pass his firm on to his two sons.

Twitter, Facebook Sink As Shootings Raise Specter Of Regulation


The companies have been facing increasing scrutiny over how they police the content users post online.

Bitcoin Morphs Into Unlikely Sanctuary As Market Turmoil Rises


Risk assets across the world slumped after President Donald Trump threatened to impose a 10% tariff on Chinese imports.

Fed Plans Real-Time Payments System To Compete With Wall Street


The FedNow Service is set to begin operating by 2023 or 2024.

Yield Curve Blares Loudest U.S. Recession Warning Since 2007


Many investors expect the slide in 10-year yields to continue given the risks of Trump's trade war.

N.Y. Broker Sentenced To 13 Years In Prison For Ponzi Scheme


The broker's daughter was also charged with conspiring with her father to steal from clients.