FA News

Trump Shoves Aside Deficit Worries In Debt Deal With Pelosi

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Trump once promised to eliminate the $22 trillion federal debt, but the deficit is approaching $1 trillion a year.

Hockey's Resignation As TD Ameritrade's CEO Startles Industry

by FA Staff

Hockey's Resignation As TD Ameritrade's CEO Startles Industry

IMF Cuts Global Growth Forecast Again As 'Missteps' Fuel Concern


The fund's global growth forecast was already the lowest it's been since the financial crisis.

TD Ameritrade Inches Closer To Enabling In-Vehicle Trading


The company's new app lets account holders check their portfolio or receive a quote on a security via voice command.

Value Stocks Haven't Traded This Low In Nearly Half A Century


A measure of value versus growth just slumped to its lowest since 1975.

Trump Administration Moves To End Food Stamps For 3 Million


Conservatives have long sought cuts in the federal food assistance program for the poor and disabled.

UBS CEO Warns Of 'Dangerous' Bubbles Spurred By Central Banks

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Europe needs to instead focus on political and economic reforms, he said.

Warren's 'Economic Crash' Call Spotlights Line Of Attack On Trump


The Massachusetts senator said she sees “serious warning signs” similar to the run-up to the 2008 financial crisis.

N.J. Advisor Sues Edelman To Protect 'Financial Quarterback' Moniker


Edelman is the latest RIA to be sued by Josh Jalinski, who claims to have trademarked the term "financial quarterback."

Advisors Need To Improve Client Experience, Cerulli Says


Focusing on clients' perspectives and the approach they prefer are among the steps advisors can take, the firm said.

New L.A. Advisor Firm With $500M AUM Joins LPL


Charton Financial Group was started by a former advisor at FMS Financial partners.

Junk-Bond Fund Draws $622 Million As Negative Yields Go Global

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Enthusiasm for speculative-grade credit has become a global phenomenon.

There Are Green Lights All Over The Place For U.S. Stock Bulls


With the Fed seemingly poised to lower rates, all signposts signal that the bull run still has juice.

Beyond Gold, Investors Still Looking For Reasons To Invest In Commodities


Gold and precious metals have found favor while broad-basket commodity ETFs have struggled for assets in 2019, according to Charles Schwab.

3 Questions: Main Street Gets Shot At IPOs With This Platform, Says CEO


ClickIPO's co-founder and CEO says his firm's technology democratizes the IPO market.

Tax Reform Doesn't Mean The Benefits Of Charitable Giving Have Ended


Advisors say there are still ways for charitable clients to reap the tax advantages of giving.

Buttigieg Unveils Social Security Proposal


Pete Buttigieg said he would raise the earnings cap on the Social Security payroll tax to $250,000 from $132,900.

44% Of Americans Feel Their Retirement Plans Are Off Track


The Fed found concerns about inadequate savings across respondents in all age groups.

A Roth Account Comes To Rescue For Self-Employed Client


When the client's tax strategy was knocked off-kilter by Trump's tax reform, an advisor found a remedy.

Goldman Says Stocks Likely Won't Go Up Much Higher


There’s limited further upside after the S&P 500’s 19% climb so far this year, according to the bank.