FA News

Pain From Trump's China Tariffs Spreads, Reshaping Global Trade


The impact of Trump's tariffs is altering supply chains around the world.

The Future Looks Terrible For U.S. Nursing Home Costs


The rise in nursing home prices far outstrips the pace of inflation.

Financial Advisors Risk Becoming Outdated, Report Says


Nearly a half of financial industry leaders indicate that they will need “T-shaped” skills to survive.

Gold Jumps To Highest In Six Years As Rising Risks Boost Havens

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Gold climbed over $1,439 on Monday, its highest level since April 2013.

Why More Gen Xers Prefer Professional Financial Advice


The do-it-yourselfers were outnumbered by those who want the pros to handle their money, a new survey says.

Do Defined Outcome ETFs Deliver The Goods?


These funds from Innovator are designed to provide pre-set upside and downside return potential benchmarked to the S&P 500 Index.

CFA Institute Appoints Margaret Franklin CEO, President


Franklin was named head of the institute after serving on numerous CFA boards and committees.

SALT Cap Repeal Would Be $40 Billion Windfall For Millionaires


The issue has been tricky for Democrats to address, given that most of the benefit of the deduction goes to top earners.

Once-Surging IPOs Suddenly Tumble As Defensive Bets Take Victims


Skeptical investors who stuck to their guns while the IPOs surged are finally being rewarded.

Trump Launches GOP's New Digital Fundraising Tool To Help Party Down Ballot


Trump’s campaign and the RNC have built a formidable small-dollar donor fundraising operation.

BlackRock ETF Is Breaking Into Stuffy Credit Trading Market


Here’s the latest sign ETFs are beating down the door into the clubby world of European corporate debt.

Amazon Threat To FedEx Is No Longer 'Fantastical'


FedEx is offering big discounts to woo customers away from rival United Parcel Service.

U.S. Supreme Court Throws Out Federal Curb On Vulgar Trademarks


The Trump administration defended the ban, saying the provision didn’t curb private expression.

ETF Changes Focus From Virtual Reality To Video Gaming


The Defiance Future Tech ETF is now the Defiance Next Gen Video Gaming ETF.

Stock Investors Torn As Defensive Bets Go 'Absolutely Parabolic'


The prospect of easier monetary policy is adding fuel to a mammoth rally in bond proxy shares.

IRS Attempts To Clarify Business Pass-Through Tax Deduction


Some advisors say deduction eligibility remains a murky issue in the wake of Trump's tax reform.

Cybersecurity Risks Are Threatening Deals, Industry Survey Shows


Recent acquisitions highlight the threat that cyber risks can pose to a company’s reputation and bottom line.

Trump Order Would Push For Disclosure Of Secret Health Prices


The effort is likely to face significant pushback from the hospital industry.

Bernie Sanders To Propose Taxing Wall Street Transactions To Pay Off Student Debts

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Sanders will propose legislation that would provide debt relief to some 45 million Americans who have college loans.