FA News

Vermont Creates Restitution Fund For Investment Fraud Victims


The state becomes the third in the nation to set up such a fund, following Indiana and Montana.

New SEC Roundtables, Same Complaints About SEC


Consumer advocates say new roundtables won't likely change their view that new SEC best-interest rules are confusing.

Trump Believes He Has The Authority To Replace Powell At Fed

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Donald Trump told confidants he believes he has the authority to replace Jerome Powell as chairman of the Fed.

Taxpayer Advocate Calls For IRS ‘Anxiety Index’ To Help Frustrated Americans

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A taxpayer advocate wants the IRS to give Americans frustrated by their taxes more access to agency employees.

Only Game In Town, U.S. Stocks Surge To Records In Yield Chase

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U.S. stocks surged to an all-time high as global central banks signaled a rising willingness to stimulate growth.

Gundlach: Trump Could Drop Out Of 2020 Race


Gundlach tied Trump's re-election chances to the health of the U.S. economy.

Bond Market's Marching Orders To Fed: Don't Dawdle On Rate Cuts


It looks like the U.S. Treasury market has goaded the Federal Reserve into shifting gears on interest rates.

Corporate America Is Repatriating A Fraction Of Foreign Profits

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The cash coming back to U.S. shores falls short of what Donald Trump said would return after the 2017 tax law.

Retirement Assets Recover From Fourth-Quarter Swoon


The nation's retirement assets are up more than 7 percent since the end of last year, a new report says.

'As Close As They Could Come to Cutting': Wall Street Reacts To The FOMC

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The Fed sounded a lot like they want to lower rates, but they're not quite there yet. Here's what Wall Street thinks.

Biden Tells Elite Donors He Doesn't Want To 'Demonize' The Rich


The Democratic presidential candidate told rich donors that income inequality has brewed national discord.

Mercer Acquires $510M RIA In Southern California


Jackson Financial Management is based in Costa Mesa, Calif., and was founded in 1995.

Survey: 91% Of Impact Investors Happy With Performance


Even more investors believe their investments are having their intended social or environmental impact.

Alphabet's Annual Meeting Draws Protests On Multitude Of Issues


Contractor rights and Google's dealings with China were among the flash-point issues.

Advisors Predict 41% Asset Growth By 2024, Schwab Says


Nearly all advisors expect to grow despite increased pessimism about short-term market performance, a company survey said.

He Says He Invented Bitcoin And Is Suing Those Who Doubt Him


Lots of people dispute that Craig Wright is the inventor of Bitcoin. Now he’s accusing several of them of defamation.

Microsoft's Missteps Offer Antitrust Lessons For Tech's Big Four


The software giant faced down regulators two decades ago. Its losing playbook can help today’s targets.

Hedge Funds For All: SEC Ponders Letting In The Not-So-Rich


The SEC is considering opening the door to hedge funds for Main Street investors.

Facebook Triggers Fresh Washington Fury Over Crypto Project


Legislators from both parties voiced alarm over Facebook's plans to issues its own cybercurrency next year.