FA News

Is The Timing Right For New Managed Futures ETF?


Recent volatility might bode well for the newly launched iM DBi Managed Futures Strategy ETF.

Bond Bears Chased Off As Dreams Of 4% Treasury Yields Vanish

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It’s increasingly looking like a fool’s errand to remain a bond bear.

Women Filling New Corporate Board Roles At Faster Pace


Women filled 40 percent of new board seats at Fortune 500 companies in 2018, a record.

JPMorgan Agrees To Biggest-Ever Settlement In Anti-Dad Bias Case


A male employee alleged the bank’s parental leave policy was biased against dads.

Average Fund Fees Saw Another Big Drop In 2018


Morningstar says flows to passive funds are playing a big role in the plunging fee averages.

Momentum ETF Bets $3.5 Billion On Tech Just As Trade War Resumes


An $8.7 billion ETF betting the stock market’s winners will keep on winning just can’t catch a break.

Financial Tech Chiefs Seek Bigger Cybersecurity Budgets


Concerns escalate as cybercriminals mimic RIAs and broker-dealers.

U.S. Growth Revised Lower By Less Than Expected To 3.1%


The revision suggests the effects of the escalated trade war with China.

Democrats Push Ahead On New NAFTA In Spite Of Trump-Pelosi Feud

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Democrats hope a new NAFTA can be hammered out despite the background of impeachment talk ahead of the 2020 elections.

Wall Street Sees Big Win In SEC's Crackdown On Broker Conflicts

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Investor advocates are concerned the regulations fall short.

Advisors Can Play A Role In Keeping Clients Healthy, Doctors Say


Financial advisors can help aging retirees make the kind of choices that keep them living healthier, longer lives.

ETF Of ETF Industry Slated To Shut Down


A fund focused on the ETF industry failed to catch on with investors.

The $1 Trillion Buyback Hysteria May Be Overstated

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The billions spent on them are about 1% of all the shares that change hands on U.S. exchanges every year.

Brookfield Seeks $1 Billion For Fund Aimed At Poor Areas

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The fund plans to invest in six projects in designated opportunity zones, including areas in Brooklyn and the Bronx.

Credit Market 'Probably The Riskiest Ever,' Pimco's Mather Says

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The increased size, lower quality and lack of liquidity in corporate bond markets are all red flags, he said.

Ruth Madoff's $600,000 Deal With Trustee Approved By Judge


The deal with Bernard Madoff’s wife is part of an ongoing effort to raise money for the con man's victims.

IFP Completes Break With LPL To Go Its Own Way As Broker-Dealer


The transition to relaunch IFP as an RIA and broker-dealer has been a year in the making, says its CEO.

Will Multiemployer Plans Solve the Small Business Retirement Gap?


A Nuveen plan specialist looks at the fees, features and fiduciary considerations of multiemployer plans.

Investors Escape From Equity Funds In Favor Of Bonds This Spring


Investors have pulled billions of dollars out of equity and hybrid funds in favor of bond funds