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The Right Way To Incorporate AI


Simply adopting AI to stay ahead of the curve, without investing in data quality, can create nothing more than “smoke and mirrors.”

How To Help Clients When Markets Are Down


Advisors should call clients when markets are down to let them know they are paying attention to their investments.

Your Client's Retirement Anxiety Can't Be Cured Online


When it comes to saving for their retirement, too many millennials rely on free advice they find on social media.

The Perils Of Middle-Class Retirement In America


Bold reform is urgently needed for America's retirement system--and surprisingly possible.

Planning Considerations For Your Active-Duty Military Clients


Understanding the unique planning considerations for active-duty service members is crucial for financial planners.

Advanced Tax Bracket Planning With CPAs--A Growth Strategy


Financial advisors must move beyond table stakes services to help clients with advanced tax planning strategies.

Sponsored Content: Randy Miller--Building Relationships That Build An Elite Advisory Business


Advisor Randy Miller helps clients navigate the minefield of financial services.

Why All Financial Professionals Should Support Overturning The DOL's Fiduciary Rule


The Department of Labor lacks an understanding of what constitutes retirement security.

A Game Plan To Protect Players Selected In NFL Draft


Working with a highly qualified wealth manager should result in a better plan for a player's long-term stability.

Innovative Philanthropy: Beyond Traditional Grantmaking


The need for innovative and impactful strategies in philanthropy has never been more pressing.

How Tax Planning Can Elevate RIA Practices


Here are several critical benefits of adding tax planning to a firm's core service offerings.

Want To Enjoy Your Retirement? Consider Delaying It


Most people aren't ready financially to retire completely at 65 or even 67, but they can still slow down a little.

How Retirement Plan Advisors Can Redefine Their Place In A PEP World


Leveraging the structure of PEPs can allow advisors to simultaneously manage multiple plans.

Gen X Needs Social Security Planning Now

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Gen X is waiting at the door for lessons in Social Security. Show them you haven't forgotten them.

10 Advisor Activities To Help Relieve Fatigue


Here are ways advisors can take positive actions to relieve fatigue and reduce stress.

Sponsor Insights: Growth Investing 2024: Tapping Trends Beyond the Magnificent Seven


Key Takeaways We believe innovation trends create opportunities for companies outside the Magnificent Seven mega caps that have dominated stock indexes lately...

Sponsored Content: Are You Prepared To Help Clients Live Their Best Life?

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To build strong relationships, you need a deep understanding of each client's view of a successful life.

Women Entrepreneurs Can Make The World $6 Trillion Richer


Lenders need to redesign their practices to give more consideration to small borrowers, especially women.

11 Ways To Congratulate Yourself On Smaller Wins


Advisors need to give themselves praise and credit for their own achievements.

Monte Carlo's Role In Collaborative Planning And Volatility


Monte Carlo analysis proves to be a vital tool for modern financial advisors seeking collaborative planning experiences.

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