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Four Year-End Steps To Prepare Clients For The 2019 Tax Season


Focus on four year-end tax-planning strategies to set up your clients for success ahead of the 2019 tax season.

Planning Around The New Limitations On Stretch IRAs


Estate planning for IRAs and other defined-contribution plan benefits has changed with the FCAA.

The Middle Class Risks Consuming Itself


Health care and education employ a lot of people and sell services they increasingly can’t afford.

What Happens To Your Business When Clients Decide ‘The Thrill is Gone?’


Keeping the love between clients and their wealth managersalive over many years can be challenging.

America Turns From Tea Party To MMT In A Decade


The country has seen a drastic change in economic thought this decade.

Trump’s Trade Wars Expose An Abiding Truth


Protectionism rather than free trade is the more enduring reality of global economic history, says this columnist.

Investors Conquered Fees. Next Up Is Their Own Behavior


Too little attention is paid to the costs investors bring on themselves through cognitive and emotional lapses.

Beware When Democrats Spend As Recklessly As Republicans


Deficit spending plays well politically, but ignoring fiscal responsibility isn’t sustainable.

Are Interest Groups The Answer To America's Middle Class Instability?


A new book posits that interest groups can protect people against devastating social and economic changes.

Worthless Companies Are Decade’s Big Market Winners


What does it mean that some of the decade’s big market winners were companies with no real net worth?

Four Steps To Help Clients Choose A Charity


Many clients don’t know how to start narrowing the choices of causes to support.

The Strange Case of Credit Suisse's Internal Spying


The company did a surveillance operation on its former heads of wealth management and human resources.

Trump’s Economy Had A Good Year, Even If He Didn’t


The stock market has risen to record highs over the last several months

The Jobs Market Isn't As Healthy As It Seems

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The caliber of many new jobs created has significantly declined, according to Cornell’s Daniel Alpert.

3 Trends Investors And Financial Advisors Should Heed In 2020


Increased activism and new tech will drive three trends every investor and financial advisor should heed.

Rebalancing A Client’s Social Portfolio


Advisors can add value by getting clients to think through how their social network might change in retirement.

The Amazing Story Of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol


The story behind this story is quite remarkable.

Advisors Need Data-Driven Solutions To Succeed In The Retirement Plan Business


Advisors need to confirm agreed-upon data sharing protocols at the outset of their plan sponsor relationships.

The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living


As a financial advisor, your confidence to build relationships will go up dramatically the more that you know who you are.

Have We Really Escaped A Recession? Google It.


Pessimism about a recession has evaporated after reaching a peak—just like it did before the financial crisis.

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