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Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac Make The 30-Year Mortgage Possible


Why would the federal government try to privatize the companies if they’re doing their job now?

Robbing 401(k)s To Pay Student Loans Is Tiny Tweak To Big Problem


Senator Rand Paul’s Helper Act doesn’t do much to address college affordability.

Sponsor Insights: Key Factors Financial Advisors Should Consider in a Private Equity Platform

by Steven Brod, Crystal Capital Partners

Key factors beyond access and low minimums advisors should consider when choosing a PE platform for their business.

Sponsor Insights: 5 Active Fixed-Income Facts

by Hartford Funds

You may think fixed income is just fixed income. But here are 5 reasons to change your mind.

The Secret To America's Low, Low Taxes


Privatize health care and run a big deficit and your country, too, can have low taxes.

What Financial Advisors Should Expect With Reg BI On The Horizon


Reg BI clearly comes with some new expectations for financial professionals and firms.

Mentorship Is Key To Preserving Critical Knowledge


Years of accumulated wisdom are about to disappear from financial planning.

Measurable Marketing Is Oxygen For Advisors In Uphill Climb For Client Acquisition


Learning from the practices of growth-oriented advisors can help average performers crack the marketing code.

Sponsor Insights: Taking client acquisition digital

by Ameriprise

Find the tools for a successful client acquisition strategy: 4 ways to stay engaged with prospects.

Creating High-Impact Retirements


A simple gesture can be the start of something big.

Free Tuition Will Bleed Colleges Dry


Democrats' free tuition plans would cut colleges off from one of their primary funding sources.

Give Thanks, Americans: You're Back To Work


Americans should be grateful that the economy has delivered them more jobs and slightly higher wages.

It's 2019, But It Sure Feels A Lot Like 1998 For Stocks


Fear of missing out may be leading some investors towards catastrophic decisions.

Goldman's 'Baby Bear Market' Hides A Mundane Call On Bonds


It’s fair to predict small losses for Treasuries in 2020. But we can do without the hyperbole.

Excising The Negative Smoke And Mirror Effects Of Obamacare


It’s urgent that you help yourself and your clients make better ACA choices.

Economists Join Congress In Not Worrying About The Deficit


Deficit hawks are facing extinction among both politicians and academic economists.

Tax The Wealthy And Their Charities Will Suffer


Proposals to tax wealth could devastate the non-profit sector.

Wall Street Has Seen The Future, And It's Here


Like Christmas, the annual festival of prognostications comes earlier every year.

When Financial Advice Meets Alzheimer’s Disease


Are you prepared to help clients who have memory loss, and their caregivers?

When Advisors Recommend Philanthropic Advisory Firms To Clients


Many advisors are beginning to realize that PA firms complement their work.

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