Latest Top Lists

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2021's Best U.S. Colleges By Salary Score

by FA Staff

GradReports ranked the nation's colleges by the salaries their alumni earn the first year after graduation.

The Most Common Lies People Tell About Money

by FA Staff

Most people tell white lies about their finances at least sometimes, a new survey says.

10 Best States For Retirement In 2021

by FA Staff

These states ranked high for affordability, safety and health-care services, MoneyRates says.

Most Generous U.S. Cities For Covid-19 Relief


Cities are stepping up to meet the coronavirus charitable challenge, but where people live may determine the help they get.

Best Companies For Cheap Full-Coverage Auto Insurance

by FA Staff

These companies offer the best deals when it comes to fully covering your auto, according to WalletHub.

10 Safest States For Riding Out Pandemic

by FA Staff

These states have done the best job at combating the Covid-19 pandemic, according to WalletHub.

The Best States For Health Care In 2021

by FA Staff

These 10 states offer the nation's best mix of quality and cost for health-care services, a new study says.

2021’s Best Online MBA Programs In Financial Planning


Students can earn a living while studying for an online MBA in financial planning at some of the nation's best schools.

These Are The Best S&P 500 Stocks On New Year's Eve 2020

by FA Staff

Year to date, the S&P 500 returned 15.42% as of the market open on December 31, 2020.

Top 10 RIA M&A Transactions In 2020


Several new players entered the wealth management industry and the average deal size jumped 24% over last year.

America’s Best Cities To Celebrate New Year's Eve


During a time of pestilence, Americans can still enjoy a fun and affordable New Year's Eve in these top 10 best cities.

The 10 Cheapest States For Long-Term Care


States in the Midwest and the West provide the least expensive long-term care, according to a Genworth study.

Ten Best Cities For Young Financial Advisors Starting Their Career


Demand for financial advisors is expected to grow over the next decade, and so are their earnings.

America's Top 10 Universities


The list includes some of the most prestigious, and expensive, universities in the nation.

10 Most Expensive States For Long-Term Care


Genworth said the pandemic has heightened costs for care providers and facilities nationwide.

Top 10 Party Colleges Of 2020


Before the pandemic stamped out much of U.S. campus social life, these were viewed by students as the top party schools.

Top 10 Robos By Three-Year Returns


Regarding robo-advisor performance, bigger doesn't always mean better.

10 States Most Vulnerable To Identity Theft, Fraud


Data breaches have decreased in 2020, but businesses and residents in these states still need to be wary.

Top 10 Places To Live On A $60,000 Salary


The average American worker earns $60,000 a year, but where you live determines how much of that salary you keep.

Top 10 Corporate Bond ETFs By Three-Year Returns

by FA Staff

These corporate bond funds all outperformed their peers, according to Morningstar.

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