Julian Robertson's personal wealth continued to climb even as the Tiger Accelerator Fund has stumbled. Forbes puts his net worth at $3.8 billion, up from $3.4 billion in 2015 and $1.5 billion in 2000.

Robertson had more than $230 million invested with the six newcomers in the Tiger Accelerator Fund in January 2011 before raising outside capital with the help of Morgan Stanley marketers, according to fund materials seen by Reuters.

While many members of the Tiger diaspora boast strong long-term results, some have struggled lately.

Tiger Global Management, led by Robertson protégé Chase Coleman, lost 15 percent last year. This year the firm's hedge fund is making money again, having returned 13.5 percent in the first quarter, an investor said.

Another Tiger-seeded firm, Hound Partners LLC, ended 2016 with a 2.3 percent loss and is roughly flat this year after a 1.1 percent gain in March, an investor said. And Viking Global Investors, led by former Robertson deputy Andreas Halvorsen, ended 2016 with a 4 percent loss, but is up 4.9 percent this year, an investor said.

Representatives for those funds declined to comment.

This article was provided by Reuters.

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