European banks may be an unlikely bet when recession risks are stacking up, but BlackRock Inc. says it’s the right time to add exposure to the beleaguered sector.

“It’s contentious, but I see an extreme valuation opportunity in European banks,” Nigel Bolton, co-chief investment officer of BlackRock Fundamental Equities, said in a phone interview on Friday. “Rising interest rates are boosting net interest margins. Banks are still very cheap and backed up by strong earnings, with retail-focused banks to benefit in particular.”

Lenders -- which typically benefit from rising real yields -- have become a proxy for recession fears as central banks turn hawkish to rein in inflation. After hitting a more than three-year high in February, the Stoxx 600 Banks Index has fallen nearly 24%, leaving valuations at levels near those seen in March 2020, when the pandemic first roiled markets.

Europe’s benchmark Stoxx 600 is also down more than 18% from a January record as the Federal Reserve began an aggressive cycle of rate hikes and the European Central Bank paved the way for policy tightening from July. Bolton sees the gauge dropping another 10-15% before finding a bottom, but he also expects a recession to be short-lived.

“I don’t see a recession like the global financial crisis as we don’t see the same excesses in the market,” he said. “Consumers are in a reasonably good place and so is the banking system. We are more likely to see a normal slowdown that could last about six to 12 months.”

The picture for stocks in the US is slightly more gloomy due to frothy technology stocks that still have elevated valuations despite declines this year, Bolton said. “There’s more value to be found in Europe and the UK,” he said, also recommending energy and industrials stocks.

This article was provided by Bloomberg News.