Suh is one of the highest-paid defensive players in the National Football League—and an avid investor.

“Any free time that I can get, I’m talking to my advisers," Suh said in a telephone interview. “Anytime I have an opportunity, whether it’s in between meetings or during meeting breaks or on my drive home, I take the time to get on calls and make it useful.”

The football star, who said he learned investment strategy from Warren Buffett, put $100,000 into Genies last year and said he plans to put in more. Like Paul, Suh was won over by Akash’s enthusiasm—and he really likes his avatar.

“I think it’s spot-on to what I look like, especially from the sideburns perspective,” Suh said. But he’s also confident that Genies will make money; otherwise, he said he wouldn’t have invested.

“Cash flow is king,” Suh said. “That’s something Mr. Buffett says all the time.”

This article was provided by Bloomberg News.

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