Advisor consultant CEG Worldwide announced it is offering a free consultation service for advisors designed to help them grow their business.

Chris Smith, managing principal at the San Martin, Calif.-based CEG, announced the service during the Preeminent Advisor Summit sponsored by Financial Advisor magazine this week. He opened the second day of the event Thursday telling advisors they need to act more as leaders and differentiate themselves from others.

Called the Play to Win Consultation, the free service comes in two parts. In the first part, an advisor meets with a CEG team member who will ask a series of questions. From that interview the team member will develop what the firm calls a "mind map," which is a detailed report listing an advisor’s ambitions, strategies and other details.

In the next step, the advisor meets with an expert who will take that map and create three recommendations for the advisor to execute to help boost their visibility in the industry.

A link to schedule the appointment is available through the company’s website and it is only available to advisors with at least $100,000 in assets under management, Smith said.

Smith noted that more than 90% of registered investment advisors have not grown their business in the last five years. 

“People are looking for leaders or a captain to steer them through the troubled waters,” he said. “Clients will remember how you showed up for them during times of trouble.”

Smith said firms must be proactive in their approach and be willing to do whatever they have to in order to be successful.

“We make the decision to become an advisor, but it is hard to go out there and win and be a leader,” he said.