Other bank executives say the same, and it’s easy to see why: total homeowner equity has surged in recent years, up 150 percent from 2009’s $6 trillion, according to Federal Reserve data. That’s partly because U.S. home prices have on average risen around 7 percent annually since 2012, according to S&P CoreLogic Case Shiller data, and partly because Americans have been paying down their home loans in aggregate after gorging on mortgage debt last decade.

It makes sense for at least some consumers to tap into their growing equity now, said Citizen Financial’s Coughlin. Borrowing against a house is significantly cheaper in terms of annual interest rates, compared with alternatives like credit cards or unsecured personal loans. Homeowners are also staying put longer and renovating, which may spur them to borrow against the value of their home.

The pace of new home equity lending has been accelerating in recent years -- lenders are making about 98 percent more home equity loans and related lines of credit than they did during the depths of the recession in 2009. That sounds impressive, until you consider that tappable equity has surged by more than 120 percent.

Even with the new lending, the total amount of home equity lines outstanding has fallen for years as borrowers continue to pay down last decade’s debt. There are $398 billion of the lines outstanding now, down from a peak of $674 billion in 2009, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Executives at banks including Wells Fargo & Co. say it may take another year for new lending to outstrip the older debt paydowns.

Homeownership Rate

In addition to rising rates and borrowers’ fears, a tax law shift may be weighing on demand, too: homeowners now can deduct interest on their home equity lines of credit only if they use the proceeds to renovate or otherwise invest in their homes. The declining homeownership rate -- it’s fallen to about 64 percent of U.S. households from a pre-crisis high of 69 percent -- may also explain why borrowers aren’t tapping as much of their equity. People who tended to be aggressive in borrowing against their homes before are probably renting now, said Christopher Mayer, a professor of real estate at Columbia Business School.

"The people who are no longer homeowners are the people who were most likely to take out a home equity line of credit," Mayer said. Mayer is also chief executive officer of a company that helps older Americans tap their home equity using reverse mortgages.

Homeowners now understand that the equity in their house may vanish quickly, and they should tap it carefully, said Catherine Kirchner, who manages home mortgage sales and growth at U.S. Bancorp, the fourth largest bank mortgage lender last year.

"They definitely think twice," Kirchner said. "Whereas pre-2008, people were opening a home equity line of credit to go on vacation or buy a car."

This article was provided by Bloomberg News.

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