While parts of Bali are bustling with hotels, shops, bars and massage parlors, the current resort sits among rice paddies on the west of the island, with modest homes nearby. MNC Land Vice President Budi Rustanto said in a phone interview the resort area would be expanded from 106 to 140 hectares (346 acres), but he did not say how much extra land might need to be bought.

Kadek Sudiasi, 42, has lived to the east of the resort for more than 40 years and says he won’t sell his paddy fields to MNC, no matter the price.

“It’s the way of rich people to do whatever they want and to offer money to smooth the way for themselves,” he said, hunched over a recently harvested field to turn over mulch with his bare hands. “I plan to buy more land to give to my children instead of selling. Money you can make again, but land is finite, let alone fertile land.”

Tabanan regency, where the resort is located, is known as Bali’s rice depot due to the expanse of terraced paddy fields built into its hills. The locals use a system for irrigation and cooperative water-sharing structure called subak that dates back to the 9th century, to ensure rice can be cultivated on both flat land and hillsides.

Speaking at his residence in Jakarta earlier this month, Tanoesoedibjo said there had been issues with locals over the existing property before he bought it two years ago.

“When they started the project in the 90s, yeah, it’s because the development was too close to the temple, that’s what I heard,’’ he said. There is “now nothing to be worried about.”

Nengah Santhi grows rice on a small plot near the hotel. In her 40s, her son works at the resort in customer service. She doesn’t particularly care about Trump’s political views, but she would like clarity on how much more land the renovated hotel will absorb.

“When he comes to our island, then I will pay attention,” she said. “If he asks me to sell my land then of course I will say no, this is my land, I grow my rice here and later my son will grow rice here.”

The local Hindu group also has questions over plans for a new golf course, potentially with one designed by Phil Mickelson’s company. The eastern side of the current course surrounds a small temple set on black volcanic sand. Local regulations forbid buildings within a certain perimeter of temples. The rules vary according to the status of the sacred site.

Golf Course