Individuals and political action committees associated with Koch Industries Inc. rank as the fourth-largest contributor to Ryan over his career, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics.

The battle over border adjustments has divided corporate America with retailers and other net importers on one side and exporters on the other.

Supporters say the 20 percent levy would encourage domestic production, while opponents complain it would force companies to pass the increases to consumers -- potentially boosting prices for everything from food and clothing to gasoline and auto parts.

Trump had initially called the border tax “too complicated,” before aides have more recently said he was warming to the idea. It’s still unclear whether he will endorse a border levy in his tax plan.

During Wednesday’s meeting with chief executive officers from chains such as Target Corp. and Gap Inc., border adjustment dominated the conversation, with several CEOs speaking out against it, according to two people familiar with the meeting who asked not to be named because the conversation was private.

The president didn’t say whether he supported the measure, but made it clear it was part of the House blueprint and his administration would be releasing its own plan in the coming weeks, the people said.

This article was provided by Bloomberg News.

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