“We have a pretty big allocation to infrastructure. We think that that is less correlated to the equity markets and provides diversification.”

Herschel Pant 
Senior Consultant Relationship Manager at AXA Investment Managers

“In addition to negative rates, pension schemes are also becoming cash-flow negative as they continue to mature. This double whammy makes portfolio positioning a greater challenge than ever before—and one that requires long-term strategic alignment to their endgame. Using the right credit can help meet these dual objectives. Schemes must get comfortable with the fact that there may not be one perfect solution out there.”

Mark Delaney 
CIO at Australiansuper Pty

“We’ve talked about our plans to allocate more to private equity over the next three to five years. As well as being able to stand the relatively illiquid nature of PE, there is also the structural benefit that sustained low debt costs favor the PE business model.”

Bo Foged 
Chief Executive Officer at Danish Pension Fund ATP

“It’s going to be harder to earn money in the future. That’s why I say we’ve gotten returns in advance.”

Mikko Mursula 
CIO at Helsinki-Based Pension Fund Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Co.

“Private credit has been growing in size in our asset allocations. There are products and managers and investment opportunities that’ll provide you a 2% to 3% return. Then if you go to the riskier part of the market, we are starting to see return levels of 10% to 12%.”

Reima Rytsola 
CIO at Helsinki-Based Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Co.