Now more than ever, we have been reminded to take care of our health. The coronavirus pandemic has put a new focus on our physical, mental, and financial well-being. More than that, Covid19 has also shown us how intertwined all of those parts are with one another. It's essential to make time for you.

As a financial advisor, you need to take care of yourself the same way you have been protecting your client's portfolios and soothing their psyches. It's not time to let your self-care take a back seat. The more you provide for yourself, the more you have to give others. Here are some simple but effective ways to practice self-care:

  • Have a routine
  • Take breaks
  • Check-in with yourself
  • Focus on long-term goals
  • Communicate

Have a Routine Having a routine can consist of morning meditation or no work-related business until a specific time. It's essential to get up and let yourself adjust to the day before jumping into it. Being a business owner adds a whole different element of stress to an individual's life. Make sure to get enough sleep, drink enough water, and create space for family and friends. Balance is the key to being a successful business owner and a healthy individual. 

Take Breaks Remember to take breaks. According to Forbes ( our cognitive capacity declines throughout the day, but taking breaks helps with mood and productivity. Get up, walk around, go outside, walk the dog, get away from the computer screen, put your phone on silent, or stretch. Even a couple of minutes at a time can be beneficial to your overall health.

Check-in With Yourself  Many of us find self-worth in our careers. Make sure to check-in and see how you're doing. Are you doing things you enjoy outside of work? Make sure to continue or renew your hobbies, personal relationships, physical activity, and spiritual development. 

Focus on Long Term Goals As a financial advisor, you frequently do this with your clients. Make sure you're also checking in with your own long-term goals. Please take a few minutes to check in on your long-term strategies and make sure they are still what you want. Make sure to start planning something for post-Covid like a vacation or camping trip with friends and family. Think about your future and get excited about the possibilities. 

Communicate If you find you are in a hard spot mentally, don't hesitate to reach out for help. Calls to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) hotlines have increased 891% since the Covid pandemic. Stay connected to your community, friends, and family even though social distancing makes it challenging to do so. Any human connection, regardless of how it happens (Zoom, email, voice, TikTok, or any other social platform), will make you feel less alone.  At the end of the day, you need to tend to your needs as you would your clients, family, or co-workers. You are the most crucial person in your own life. If you are not 100%, you won't be available to those you love and support.