We are testing several components to have the Makr Shakr introduce milk and coffee. We are also starting to work on another machine with food components to produce hamburgers, frittatas, or salads.

In what ways could machine learning technology make Makr Shakr even more advanced?

We are becoming big data owners. We’ve served more than 1.3 million cocktails worldwide. We know where in the world, at the time of the day, based on the sex of the person and the temperature outside, what people want to drink. We are also becoming data analysts. We can in the short future begin to be not only reactive but also proactive. When you go to order, we will know your age, your sex, and your country. With analysis we will know the average expectation. We can proactively [suggest] something tailor-made to your taste.

What makes Makr Shakr better or worse than a real, human bartender?

Let’s start with the worst. Makr Shakr has no chance to invent any recipe. Makr Shakr is stupid. He doesn’t have the capacity to understand the taste. What Makr Shakr is doing better than a human being is copying. If the recipe is perfect, Makr Shakr can copy that millions of times exactly as the original.

How much do you think robotics could penetrate the bar or restaurant market?

Machines making hamburgers, spaghetti, salad, pizza, or cocktails will grow a lot. They cost less than human beings, and they produce high quality. But they need to work beside human beings. With Makr Shakr it’s not that we’re canceling the bartender. The point is you’re the bartender of yourself. The robot is just a pure executor of your idea.

This article was provided by Bloomberg News.

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