More than 144,000 people were apprehended after illegally crossing the southern border in May or were refused entry to the U.S. That’s the most in a single month in at least five years; the number has grown every month since January.

In one proposal, Mexico would deploy 6,000 national guard troops to its own southern border region to discourage migrants from crossing into the country from Guatemala, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said on Thursday.

Trump, in an interview that aired Thursday night with Fox News, criticized Republicans who have spoken out against his tariff threat against a top trading partner. Last year, the U.S. negotiated a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada that still requires lawmakers’ approval.

“They’re hurting a deal. They should be saying, we’re with the president, we’ll do whatever he wants to do, and Mexico would fold like an umbrella,” Trump said.

--With assistance from Nacha Cattan.

This article was provided by Bloomberg News.

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