Von der Goltz, who is accused of hiding his ownership of shell companies he used to secret away tens of millions of dollars, was arrested in London on Dec. 3. Gaffey was arrested in Massachusetts on Tuesday.

Von der Goltz’s dealings with Mossack Fonseca were the subject of a lengthy story in the New York Times in 2016. A founder of Boston Capital Ventures, a firm that invested in small, high-growth companies primarily in the U.S., he reportedly amassed offshore holdings of about $70 million through a maze of corporations, foundations and bank accounts.

Funds were used to pay for expenses and investments in the U.S., at least in part on the instruction of his Boston-based accountant, Gaffey, the newspaper said.

Gaffey and Owens are also accused of helping an unnamed U.S. taxpayer defraud the U.S. by maintaining a series of offshore bank accounts to conceal wealth from the Internal Revenue Service.

This article was provided by Bloomberg News.

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