The Hamptons isn’t free of the coronavirus.

Southampton Hospital is caring for the one confirmed case in Suffolk County, and a group of students from Stony Brook who returned from Europe are in isolation at the hospital. On Tuesday, East Hampton suspended programs for senior citizens at the Montauk Playhouse and senior center. The public schools, and the private Ross School, and the libraries are open.

Brined Chicken
Lauralee Kelly, a massage therapist based in Amagansett, said she’s been getting calls for bookings from clients who live in New York. “The wave is not quite here yet, but it’s coming,” Kelly said. “It’s really slow out here usually this time of year, so this is absolutely not typical.”

At Catena’s Food Market in Southhampton, Victor Finalborgo said he hasn’t yet seen a rush to buy supplies, but added, “I’m sure it’s on the horizon.” Meanwhile, shoppers at Village True Value Hardware in East Hampton snapped up 36 bottles of Purell Tuesday as soon as they were unloaded from the box.

Anticipating demand this weekend, Carissa’s Bakery in East Hampton is doubling the number of chickens (brined for 24 hours) available on its weekend take-out dinner menu, and adding ribs and lasagna. Loaves & Fishes in Sagaponack will have its citrus salmon and chicken pot pie ready to go, and shopping via FaceTime in case anyone needs kitchen supplies.

“Maybe they’ll learn to cook over spring break,” said investment banker and full-time East End resident Brett McGonegal.

‘Roasting Marshmallows’
In Upstate New York, consultant Bettina Prentice self-quarantined with her kids and husband in their weekend home after discovering someone he’d had dinner with in London tested positive for the virus.

“We are trying to keep the kids entertained, roasting marshmallows, having dance parties, watching ‘The Princess Bride,’” she said. “We are trying to make this a happy family memory.”

Her kids, ages 3 and 7, have lots of questions. “They’re asking ‘Why can’t we see our cousins? Where’s our nana? Why can’t we go to school?”’ Prentice said.

She wishes she’d stocked up before burrowing in. They’re relying on online retailers for food deliveries to their Hudson Valley home.