Mulally would engage journalists, his competitors and other third-party experts to help create a holistic vision of his companies and their projects.

Develop A Compelling Vision, A Comprehensive Strategy, And Pursue It With Relentless Implementation

“Every airplane has a vision,” explained Mulally, whether it be transoceanic airliners carrying hundreds of passengers, or small regional jets carrying two dozen.

By strategy, Mulally doesn’t just mean developing the technology and equipment to make a car move or an airplane fly, but also finding and engaging with partners that will provide the resources to see the vision to implementation.

Establish Clear Performance Goals And Unify Under One Plan

Mulally’s business plan review meetings were mandatory—every week, engineers, manufacturers, salespeople, purchasers, designers and management would meet in the same room and openly discuss the company’s successes and shortcomings.

Pay Attention To Facts And Data

“We love facts and data,” said Mulally. “We appreciate what people think, but we want to know what the data is.”

Placing more emphasis on facts and data rather than opinions allows leaders to keep a more open mind.

Mullaly also named behaviors and processes he demanded from his teams at Boeing and Ford.