Bill Ehrman's Blog

Bill Ehrman was co-CIO for six years with Byron Wien at Century Capital Associates. He also served as CIO and partner at George Soros’ Quantum Fund for eight years and was CIO and managing partner for 16 years at EGS Partners. He recently returned to managing hedge funds to show that investing is the real way to create wealth rather than trading. He has also started a new fund group, Paix et Prospérité Funds (

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Stay The Course


While many headwinds remain, the U.S. continues to improve its competitive position in the world and improve its operating efficiencies globally.

The New Buzz Word: Prudent


The Fed is doing the right thing by remaining cautious, as it needs more proof that the economies both here and abroad are really doing better and are in recoveries that are sustainable.

Strong Dollar: The Cause And Effect


While the dollar strength is certainly not unexpected, the velocity of the gain has impacted the world's financial markets in various ways.

Perception Vs. Reality


The interrelationships of economies and financial markets around the world could not have been more evident than in this past week, but not all may be what it seems to investors, says Bill Ehrman.

Buffett, Investing, You And Me


The first reaction to a hike in the Fed funds rate will be negative for the financial markets, but the truth is that it is good news for all in the mid and longer term, says Bill Ehrman.

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