Jeff Stimpson

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Should Wealthy Clients Use Home Equity To Reduce Taxes?


Such strategies can sometimes carry a high price tag, advisors say.

Using Life Insurance To Address Anticipated Rise In Estate Taxes


Life insurance can be useful for dealing with expiring TCJA provisions, advisors say.

Now's The Time To Use The 529 Tax Break For Roth IRA Rollovers, Advisors Say


Starting this year, the SECURE 2.0 Act allows unused 529 plan funds to be rolled over into Roth IRAs without taxes or penalties.

How Clients Can Whittle Down Medicare's IRMAA


Controlling income is key to controlling Medicare surcharges, advisors say.

Death Of A Client's Spouse Can Trigger Tax Changes Beyond Filing Status


It's important to assess the tax implications when a client's spouse passes away, advisors say.

Remote Workers Should Be Wary Of Double Income-Tax Hit


States vary greatly on when they trigger income taxes on out-of-state workers.

Now's The Time To Use 529 Tax Break For Roth IRA Rollovers, Advisors Say


Starting this year, SECURE 2.0 allows unused 529 plan funds to be rolled over into Roth IRAs without taxes or penalties.

How Advisors Can Help Spouses Prove Their 'Innocence' With The IRS


Spouses can argue they had nothing to do with their partners' tax misdeeds, but it's not easy.

How Clients Can Handle Big Tax Debt


The IRS offers a range of options for gradually paying off a large tax debt, advisors say.

How To Help Clients Avoid Tax Scams


Criminals are getting more sophisticated in the ways they steal client information, advisors say.

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