Jeff Stimpson

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IRS E-Filing Mandate For Large Cash Transactions Drawing Near


Many cash payments over $10,000 will have to be reported by companies electronically starting in 2024.

What Clients Should Do As Clock Runs Out On Estate Planning


Advisors have two years to plan for the sunset of certain provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Future VC Equity Contracts Anything But Simple For Taxes


These investment agreements don't have the benefit of clear IRS guidance, advisors say.

Employee Stock Ownership Plans In IRS Crosshairs


Despite the scrutiny, however, advisors say it remains a good option for businesses.

What Tax Preparers Want From Clients' Advisors


It's important that advisors and tax professionals work well together for the sake of the client.

Plan Now For 2026 Tax Law Sunset, Advisors Warn


Wealthy clients have had their hands full with tax considerations this year, including recent law changes and the sunsetting of many provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) at the end of...

Plan Now For 2026 Tax Law Sunset, Advisors Warn


Advisors say it's crucial to plan now for tax law changes that may not happen for several years.

How To Help Wealthy Clients Replace A Tax Preparer


A national wave of retiring CPAs means that clients have to be careful about whom they hire, advisors say.

How To Help Clients Manage Taxes After A Business Sale


Advisors preach patience when clients expect hefty capital gains from selling a business.

How Wealthy Clients Can Prepare For Losing A Tax Preparer


A national retirement wave of CPAs means that clients have to be careful about whom they hire, advisors say.

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