Jeff Stimpson

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How Advisors Can Avoid A Repeat Of 2019's Tax Hit Surprises


Advisors can take steps now so clients can avoid the rude tax hits they suffered this year due to tax reform.

Advisors Seek More Clarity On Taxes For Gig Economy Workers


The gig economy has grown far beyond just millennial Uber drivers or people renting out bedrooms.

Smart Tax Planning Strategies For The Next Market Downturn


Tax-loss harvesting and finding bargains in a down market remain viable strategies.

Tax Reform Has Made Donor-Advised Funds Far More Popular


The increase in the standard deduction has enhanced the ability to use DAFs to save on taxes, advisors say.

Big Deductions Could Await Your Business-Owner Clients


Nearly 24 million taxpayers could be eligible for qualified business income deductions, the IRS says.

How To Use Charitable Giving To Keep A Tax Bill Level


People don’t want surprises when it comes to their tax bills.

Trump's Tax Reform Has Some Taxpayers Suffering From Sticker Shock


Fewer allowable deductions means that some tax filers are getting hit with surprise tax bills.

How To Use Muni Bonds For Tax-Loss Harvesting


Municipal bonds can provide ammunition for offsetting capital gains liabilities, especially for wealthy clients.

State Personal Exemptions Vary Widely After Trump Tax Reform


Some states mirror Trump's tax law, while others set their own exemption amount.

What To Tell Clients Who Get Smaller Refunds


Trump's tax reform is resulting in large reductions in refunds for some taxpayers.

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