Jeff Stimpson

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HNW Clients Will Get $50,000 Average Tax Cut, Report Says


Clients in the top 1 percent will benefit most from GOP tax reform, but they still have to watch for pitfalls, advisors say.

HNW Clients Need Your Help Now To Find A Tax Preparer


Some accountants won't be on top of the biggest tax changes since 1986.

Best Tax Strategies For Early 2018


Wealthy clients need to think hard about tax strategies in this first, unusual year of tax reform.

Making The Most Of The Property Tax Deduction


People in high tax states may have effective tax rates in 2018 higher than 2017, says a CPA.

Year-End Tax Planning Under Trump's Tax Reform


Advisors need to tweak their tax planning strategies now that GOP tax reform is close to being approved.

Tax Reform Changes Deduction Strategies For HNW Clients


The GOP tax bills will force advisors to rethink their planning for high-net-worth clients.

Think Shorter-Term For HNW Clients’ Tax Planning


Accountants help answer your clients’ key question: How far ahead should I plan?

HNW Taxes On Investment Gains May Change Under Tax Reform


Capital gains rates aren’t slated to increase, but Republican reform plans may mean some HNW clients pay less, others more.

Clients’ Income Tax From Pass-Throughs Could Be Higher Than Expected


It's possible HNW clients who own high-profit pass-throughs might pay an effective top tax rate higher than 30%.

What To Tell Clients About The Estate Tax


The future of the "death tax" remains a political hot button--and an ongoing consideration for wealthy clients.

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